
CEDAR in the GO FAIR Funder Study

FAIR Funder Implementation Study: life cycle with founding members

After providing contributions to the GO FAIR project over the last 18 months, CEDAR will be a significant participant in GO FAIR’s FAIR Funder Implementation Study.

This collaborative project will demonstrate a new level of integrated and FAIR metadata, making data projects funded by research agencies demonstrably more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. As one of the founding collaborators, CEDAR has played a significant role in defining, describing, and implementing services that will improve metadata collection for funded research.

CEDAR’s Role

The CEDAR project provides a way for funders to specify what metadata they want to collect as part of the research life cycle. This can include not just logistical metadata the applicants may provide to describe their proposed project (title, investigators, summary, costs, duration), but metadata describing how they will manage and document their research products—their Data Management Plan or Data Stewardship Plan—and pointers to those products when they have been released. Grantees will be able to specify this metadata in simple forms with clear instructions throughout their execution of the grant, so that funders and other potential users can find and reuse the described data products.

Furthermore, in the FAIR Funder Implementation Study, the supplied metadata can be evaluated to see whether it meets criteria for FAIRness, for example having persistent unique identifiers that can be resolved. The grantees and funders can rely on automated evaluation systems to obtain the metadata, perform assessments of it, and issue reports to the grantees and funders of the described projects. This enables the grantees to easily provide provably FAIR metadata and data, while community members can see, understand, and reuse the best practices the metadata represents

Coming Soon

OpenView of FAIR Funder template in outline formIn earlier workshops to work on funder metadata, the CEDAR team helped funders describe a basic set of metadata fields describing products throughout the funded life cycle. In coming Metadata for Machine (M4M) workshops, this simple example will be enhanced and customized to align it with the needs of the funders who are early adopters of the GO FAIR methods. The FAIR Funder Implementation Study will demonstrate the CEDAR template’s application in creating metadata throughout the life cycle, including evaluating the resulting metadata for FAIRness with external evaluation software.

Going beyond the CEDAR demonstrations, other founding systems like the Data Stewardship Wizard and Castor will demonstrate their own ability to perform metadata capture and reuse within the Implementation Study, and will demonstrate interoperation with CEDAR using common specifications to exchange templates and metadata. Meanwhile, templates and components that are useful for others will be registered in FAIRsharing to so that they can be easily found and evaluated for reuse.

CEDAR Release 2.4

We released version 2.4 of the CEDAR Workbench on September 6, providing more user features and enhancements.

OpenView offers public option for CEDAR artifacts

OpenView of metadata instanceDid you ever want to show your template or metadata values to a colleague, without logging in? Do you want to view all your metadata on the web? Or maybe you’d like an IRI that anyone can use to see your work?

Now you can make your CEDAR artifact—metadata instance, template, element, or field—visible on the web. CEDAR’s OpenView service presents the CEDAR artifact as a publicly visible web page, with pop-up metadata descriptions and access to JSON and RDF views of the content. To make public your template, element, or field, simply enable OpenView from the workspace menu for the artifact. For now, if you want to make your metadata public, the template it’s based on must also be public—we can help you with this.

Instructions for CEDAR’s OpenView feature may be found at its CEDAR manual page.

Find field names in templates, elements, and fields

Adding to CEDAR’s ability to search for field names in CEDAR instances, you can now search for field names in CEDAR templates, elements, and fields.

Just like searching for field names in metadata instances, a colon after the string indicates a search within field names. The syntax ‘namestring:’ in CEDAR’s search bar will find the templates containing ‘namestring’ in the title. In the CEDAR search syntax, an asterisk matches any string and a question mark matches any character:

  • title:*, or simply title: Search for fields containing "Entity Identifier"
  • Publish*:
  • "Contact Email":
  • to?ic:

This functionality is documented in more detail here.

AIRR Community NCBI Pipeline

We improved the CAIRR pipeline for submitting MiAIRR data to NCBI. The AIRR community has documented CEDAR-driven MiAIRR submissions to NCBI in the MiAIRR-to-NCBI Submission Manual, the primary user documentation for submitting AIRR metadata. In the SRA section, the pipeline now checks user-entered file names against the names of files actually submitted, and alerts the user if they do not match, and file type options have been updated to reflect NCBI expectations. Finally, members of the AIRR community have validated that submissions appear appropriately in NCBI repositories.

Added Human Tissue NCBI Pipeline

CEDAR added a second NCBI submisssion pipeline for submitting metadata on Human Tissue studies. The template for this pipeline is modeled on the AIRR Community pipeline, but is customized to the NCBI BioSample Human Package 1.0.

Submission to Repository window with NCBI Human Tissue selected as defaultThe template and template elements used by this pipeline are publicly available in the following CEDAR folder: All/Shared/Shared by CEDAR/CEDAR-to-NCBI Pipeline. Documentation of the pipeline may be found in the CEDAR pipelines documentation page.

Inside News

Categories for Artifacts

To handle categorization of CDE fields, we have designed a category system that can be used by different communities to categorize CEDAR artifacts according to their own hierarchical labels. The API for this system has been implemented, and its user interface is planned for the next release.


We improved CEDAR’s performance for more search types in BioPortal class hierarchies.

Inside Inside News

We refactored code to handle resources (artifacts, users, groups, and folders) in a uniform way. And this release also incorporates some bug fixes.

All the tasks completed for the 2.4 release series can be found with this GitHub search, or by visiting the GitHub release page for release-2.4.